Monday, April 7, 2014

Week 10 -
     When we arrived here, we were cautioned and instructed to not participate in or join a certain club.  With puzzled looks, and a response of "What kind of club"?  our answer was the kidney stone club.  Guess a few of the senior missionaries have been to the hospital with stones.  I remember Randy & Gordon's military desert advice, "pee then drink" not the other way around.  We have been lucky so far.  This past week has been difficult for some of the Temple missionaries:  one sister who has a heart that skips beats, passed out and head planted into a table splitting her lip open.  One had the stomach flu and ran to her bathroom, slipped on the rug and split her forehead open.  One brother complained of not being able to catch his breath and it was discovered he had had a heart attack.
   There is an up side however:  they all received top-notched medical treatment at St. Luke's which is one of the top hospitals in Southeast Asia.  The split lip was stitched and a pace maker put in, the split head had 22 stitches by a world renown plastic surgeon and the brother had two stents put in and is coming home today.  We feel very blessed to have Dr. Jackson here in our complex.  He is from Fillmore, Utah and is on the Board of Directors at St. Luke's.  We will be sad to see them go home in a few months!
     On to shopping!  We have a competition to see who can find the "comforts of home" while out and about.  These are some of my favorites:
Fruit marshmallows - my favorite!

My new favorite!

Edward loves these

Finally found real tortillas

It took a while to find this
because when you ask the store clerks
for something they don't know
about, they either say, "Sorry, no mam"
or "Out of stock."

We were extremely excited to finally find
Talipia, but disappointed because it tastes
like carp or mud fish.

Things here are not in cans, but
in pouches.  This was??? ok

So, after finding tortillas, I really want to have chicken fajitas.  Wouldn't you know it, not a fajita mix to be found anywhere.  I did however find some taco mix and made chicken tacos!  I even found some Tostitos Salsa.  Delicious!!!!

These were delicious but the sour cream leaves a lot to be desired, as you can tell by Edward's expression.  It doesn't taste or resemble the sour cream we are accustomed to!  I will need to keep looking for something that is closer to a "dollop of Daisy.

Woohoo!  Finally found a memory foam store and bought a new mattress.  Best night sleep since we got here.  

     Well, I best close.  We are having Family Home Evening tonight and it is a going away for the Gozarts who leave next week.  Please know that we love and miss you all.  Count your blessings and Keep on Keepin' on!

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